Young, white, mostly middle-class transplants into trendy areas of major cities. They enjoy indie rock, indie rap and other obscure music that the vast majority of people have never heard of. Tend to have very cynical attitudes when it comes to anything they deem "mainstream" i.e. the vast majority of others. Tend to be extremely un-athletic, pasty, skinny... basically the type of people "normal" people wouldn't fuck on a dare. They drink cheap beer, smoke foreign cigarettes and shop at thrift stores all in their vain attempt to appear as though they are not conforming to societal norms. To put in laymen terms, they were the kids in high school that would not accept the fact that in reality they were usually the ones that had no friends, were to weak and timid to hang out with the jocks, were too goofy looking to get laid and smelled like mothballs.Though some may have deemed them "intelligent" because of their vast array of useless knowledge about music, poetry, film noire and other things that no one else cares about, in all actuality the only people they can carry on a conversation with is one of their own, which is a very small percentage of the population. They also love skinny jeans which are only appropriate for women or teenage boys, not thirty somethings that are balding and or gray.
normal person. "are you a hipster?"
hipster. (befuddled look on face)..."NO!"
normal person. "I only asked because I noticed the two hot chicks next to you that you haven't even noticed because your to busy arguing who was more of a literary icon Kurt Vonnegut or Hunter S. Thompson?" All the while drinking Pabst and smoking some Euro-trash brand of cigarettes at a bar on Saturday night. Instead of trying to fuck said girls, you would rather talk about authors that no one gives a shit about.
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