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An adolescent who exhibits both exceptional athletic aptitude and impressive mental capacity. It is not uncommon to find one of these uncommon persons with anomalously honed social skills, often resulting in widespread popularity. While composing only a small minority of the population, these truly gifted individuals are statistically very successful in a wide range of careers. Other persons with fewer inherent gifts have often been observed to attempt to belittle these more gifted characters, but usually their attempts are both unfounded and fruitless.

I want to be a Macneil, but I just don't have the grades.

by g4lifetilidie August 4, 2009

23👍 8👎


Someone who is either aspires to be, is in training to be, or is destined to be a pimp. Also can be used to address a man with obvious pimplike qualities, but is not a pimp by trade.

Look at the way he macks on them ladies, what a mahanes...

by g4lifetilidie June 28, 2009

1👍 2👎


A man who is capable of satisfying multiple women at once. Also can be used to describe a man who is consistently the only male representative in fornication involving four or more persons.

Did you just see that guy in the black SUV? He had four ladies in there with him. If thats not an alwood, then I don't know what is.

by g4lifetilidie August 4, 2009


A relatviely small ethnic minority within the gypsy population, little more than a family group, that was exiled from Eastern European countries for prevelent alcoholism among their number. Coutless atempts have been made to stem the flow of these borderless drunkards, but they have been, as of yet, unsuccessful.

There are some dirty winecoffs in that alley, cant you smell the gin?

by g4lifetilidie August 6, 2009