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April Fool's Day

Noun: A day when one's deepest desire comes *true*. (and fools all their friends on facebook!)

1. Alison changed her relationship status on facebook to "Alison is engaged" on April Fool's Day. Many of her facebook friends fell for it but Betty just laughed at her desperation.

2. Richard buys lotto every week and on April Fool's Day, he updates his facebook status to "Richard is now a millionaire!!! He just won lotto!!!"

by gadgetfish May 2, 2010

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Pritch is a combined word of "Princess" and "Bitch". Use it to describe a some bitch that always acts like a princess and you just couldn't stand it.

Fred: She likes to act and behaves like a princess.
Peter: I think she's more like a pritch, I can't bloody stand her!

by gadgetfish August 30, 2007

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Playing Wiisport on the Nintendo Wii system as a form of workout.

Fred: How was your holiday?
Sam: It was great! I did some good wiirkout.

by gadgetfish December 28, 2006

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An imaginary place where all the cutest chicks came from.

Sam: Hello Sarah, thanks for the add. How's your day?
Sarah: Hi handsome, I'm fine.
Sam: So... where are you from?
Sarah: Oh I'm from Sydney, Australia, where all the Koalas live ^^
Sam: Haha, really? You don't look like your are from there...
Sarah: How come?
Sam: Because you are soooooo cute from the photo, I thought you are from Cutopia :P
Sarah: *shy*

by gadgetfish July 17, 2009

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passive smiler

Someone who cannot initiates a smile, often being "too cool", but can smile upon seeing someone smile at them first.

Jack is such a passive smiler. He is always too shy to initiate a smile to the girls and only does when the chick smiles at him first.

by gadgetfish October 31, 2007

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noun: mixed feelings
verb: the feelings are mixed

This word is a mixed product from all the letters of the word "feelings".
pronounce SEN-FLEE-GE

Brian: How are you dude?
Dude: Senflige. Going pretty well with my date but having a lot of craps at work. *shrug*

by gadgetfish August 27, 2008


Playing Wiisport on the Nintendo Wii system as a form of exercising.

Fred: How was your holiday?
Sam: It was great, I did some wiixercise.

by gadgetfish December 28, 2006

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