noun: person who changes the content on their social media comment trails to improve-slash-control (i mean who are we trying to kid here?) the overall spin of their page vis-a-vis coolness.
i posted a comment on jamie's facebook page about that party she said was so great that said, "you mean the one that i ended up holding your hair back for you while you puked at?" and you know that sassy little threditor deleted it like i was a common comment whore.
your body's inability to remain warm after returning from a sun soaked vacation in the middle of winter.
i keep piling on layers of clothes and blankets and have the heat on all the time at home, but i still feel cold!
that's what you get for going to socal in february...your body is in sun shock!
getting stoned on a work break.
hey charlie, want to join me for a splifteen when we land? <tucks joint behind ear>