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Carbon Guilt

A fad term that retards feel when they put any amount of Carbon Dioxide in the atmosphere, such as when breathing (because exhaling does put carbon dioxide in the environment), something that the world's plant life need in order to survive anyway. This in turn will cause millions of people to get worked up on something completely stupid and ridiculous while the wealthy elite that pushes this fear and guilt on them relaxes in their life of luxury and hypocricy.

Meanwhile countless people are starving while we attempt to convert obscene amounts of corn into a gallon of ethanol fuel, and other retarded contraptions.

A: "Hey did you know breathing creates carbon dioxide?"

B: "And carbon dioxide will destroy the planet and everything in it! Let's kill ourselves, i am getting so much carbon guilt now."

A: "Ok."

/Kills themselves

by gangrenous khan July 11, 2008

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