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I really love him. He’s extremely sweet and funny and he’s the type of person you would never get bored of. He’s cheesy, but not the horrible type of cheesy. He’s extremely nice. He’s so nice that I don’t even think it’s possible for him to be that nice. He’s also really good looking. He’s the perfect balance of the perfect boy, or the perfect person in general. He’s extremely talented and easy to talk to. I can talk to him about topics that others would see as “nerdy” or “weird”. I’m really comfortable with him and I would never purposefully do anything to lose him. He’s the type of person who won’t judge you for being yourself, and he’ll love you for it. He never fails to amaze me and make me smile. It’s embarrassing to say, but he’s probably the person I think of when I fall asleep. I have the biggest crush on him and I’m not sure he knows that. His smile gives me butterflies and when he compliments me, everything feels unreal. Although, he does suck at texting. He really really realllyyyy sucks at texting. He’s really tall which sometimes can be convenient and I also like height differences, but sometimes I really wish I were a few inches taller so I wouldn’t have to go on my tip-toes to atleast kiss his cheek or hug him. But not everything can be perfect, cause there’s still other girls that like him that I think are prettier and that makes me feel jealous, LOL. I really love him and I could talk about him for days and days and I’d always have something to say.

{REDACTED}: Hey! How’re you and your boyfriend?

Girl: Oh, William? He’s amazing! I don’t deserve him.

by gargantuanpp September 10, 2022

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