The Travis Scott is a sex move used by players who do not choose to wear condoms. The Travis Scott involves cumming inside a women, then covering her mouth and nose to suffocate her while simultaneously ramming her coochie with your fist. Alternatively, you suffocate her while all of your friends sing sicko mode without autotune while sitting on top of her.
Did you link up with Tinasha?
Yeah I fucked that bitch raw!
Did you pull out?
Naw I used the Travis Scott
7👍 7👎
Jabaitlined is a verb that describes a situation where someone tricks or bambozles someone else.
The origin is from the legendary girl gamer Caitlin, who was famous for tricking her opponents in order to win
Oh no! The bomb was planted at B site not A site! I was jabaitlined!
An amble is a zoom call that is not working properly or smoothly
I logged on to zoom for a meeting with my divorced parents and it turned into a amble