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peepee blaster

Term for your dick if it's capable of blasting over 30 gallons of semen at over 300 mph during ejaculation. Can also be used as a defense mechanism.

During sex with my girl, I accidentally used my peepee blaster and now she's stuck to the ceiling, dead. It's been a week and she hasn't fallen down yet.

I was walking down a dark alley when I got robbed. Little did he know that I had my peepee blaster on full charge.

by gay is bad May 18, 2018

Homie Job

When your desperate for a blowjob so you get your homie to give you a blow. But it's extremely important that he mentions that it is no homo. If he doesn't say no homo, he is big gay.

My girl was being a bitch and didn't give me a blowjob, but it's okay, because my homie gave me the homie job.

by gay is bad March 27, 2018


A variation of Cuphead who has cum in his head and watches Mugman suck off the Devil.

Rochelle: I was just playing Cuckhead yesterday.
Gonzalo: Me too, and cream cheese came out of my peepee.
*then they have the hot sex*

by gay is bad March 13, 2018

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