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maths class

1 hour of your day wasted on questions such as

if joey has 3 sandwiches and Elle has 5 sandwiches, when I throw a triangle out of the car window and air resistance isa thing that exists, what is the meaning of life?

I catch up on sleep in maths class

by gender identity crisis June 19, 2020

11👍 1👎


a very sexy non-binary person who pretends to have a god complex but it's just because they'r insecure and hate everything about themselves

moss: I don't have a superiority complex, I'm just better than you! nothing complex about it!

also moss three minutes later: I hate myself

by gender identity crisis February 22, 2021

the boys

a group of arseholes, usually cis males who think being transphobic, racist, homophobic, anti-semitic and generally harassing minorities is funny for some strange reason

the boys:WheN yoU aSK a jEwIsH gIrL FoR hEr NumBEr aNd ShE StArTs RolLinG Up Her SleEve
literally everyone: what is wrong with you you fucking idiot

by gender identity crisis February 22, 2021

18👍 25👎


I don't want to die I just want to never have been born.

girl you know what i.d.w.t.d.i.j.w.t.n.h.b.b.

by gender identity crisis July 2, 2020