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Term created after the german political party SPD annonced their next chancellor candidate.
That created a hype and the SPD got over 10% more in polls - in some polls it got even more percents than the CDU, which is the biggest party in Germany.

Politcs did things wrong, they invented HartzIV and other things, thay are very unsocial; the majority of the population did not profit from political decisions.

People hoped that Schulz would make social democratic and left politics.

Gottkanzler Schulz! (god-chancellor Schulz!)

by german_slang August 25, 2017


german word for chancellor.

Gottkanzler Schulz. (god-chancellor Schulz.)
Der Bundeskanzler von Deutschland wird vom Bundestag gewählt. (The Federal Chancellor of Germany will be elected by the Bundestag.)

by german_slang August 25, 2017


It's a infamous and disrespectful word for refering to children of someone.
Often used with nazi before it to refer to follower of hitler's ideology and racist groups these days.

Seine Brut ist respektlos. (His childs are disrespectful.)
Diese Nazi-Brut ist besorgniserregend. (This nazi brood is worrying.)

by german_slang August 25, 2017


German underground word which means masturbation / fapping.
It got most votes on Langenscheidt's jugendwort.de website in 2014 but the jury banned fappieren because image boards like the german pr0gramm and 4chan pushed the word.

Wir fappieren nachts. (We are fapping in the night.)
Bernd fappiert den ganzen Tag. (Bernd is fapping the whole day.)

by german_slang October 20, 2015

28👍 2👎


Term created after the german political party SPD annonced their next chancellor candidate.
That created a hype and the SPD got over 10% more in polls - in some polls it got even more percents than the CDU, which is the biggest party in Germany.

Politcs did things wrong, they invented HartzIV and other things, thay are very unsocial; the majority of the population did not profit from political decisions.

People hoped that Schulz would make social democratic and left politics.

Der Schulzzug rollt! (Schulz' train is rolling!)

by german_slang August 25, 2017


1) german word for day.
2) Greeting used in Germany

1) Heute ist ein wunderschöner Tag. (today is a wonderful day)
2) Guten Tag. (good day)

by german_slang August 25, 2017


Another term for Arbeitslosengeld II, a term for a social security benefit that is around 400€ that - not only, but mostly - unemployed can get. 1/3 of people who could get it doesn't request it, because the system is very painful for them. E.g. they have to accept every job - no matter what - if they don't want less money. Also they have to explain themself a lot of times, etc. And often they get things they need really late (e.g. bus tickets for the month). Also 400€ is not really much in Germany. Those 1/3 who doesn't request HartzIV save Germany more than 20 billions Euro per year..

HartzIV hat ersetzt zu werden! (HartzIV needs to be replaced!)
HartzIV führt nur zu prekärer Arbeit, Armut und Existenzamt. (HartzIV only leads to precarious positions in work, poverty and existential angst.)
Wir wissen alles über HartzIV-Empfänger, jedoch kaum etwas über die Superreichen! (We does know everything about people who get HartzIV, but we doesn't know much about people who are extremly rich!)

by german_slang August 25, 2017