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1. n., semen.
2. v., to ejaculate.
3. adj. (obsolete), to feign excitement (the girl was frosted about the party).
4. adj. (obsolete), to become excited (the girl was frosted about the party).

Etymology: One day, Sam called Shawne "Frosted Flakes" because she flaked out on him at the club. Ryan and Sonia thought this nickname clever, but Matt and Justin dissented, saying "frosted" was an unnecessary part of the nickname. Ryan and Sonia attempted to refute this by devising the third and fourth definitions, respectively, but simultaneously rendering their definitions obsolete by creating two opposing meanings of the same word. Matt and Justin, realizing their opportunity to reinterpret the definition, immediately sexualized the word, now recognized as the first and second definitions.

The girl was frosted upon at the party.

by getmatt May 11, 2009

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