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Mary Sue

A Mary Sue is a seemingly perfect character. Their male counterpart is a Gary Sue or a Marty Sue. They have little to no flaws. Often times they have a tragic backstory, being abused, abandoned, etc. They are unrealistically attractive, and often times have things that break cannon severely, such as a Pokémon girl being a Neko. They often have powers that are given to no others in the universe, and that have nothing to do with the universe. They often have long names, often times having 'Kawaii' or 'Desu' or simple Japanese language within them.
Often times they are dating a cannon character, and often times replace a cannon character.

"Your OC is a Mary Sue!"

"Yeah, my old OC was named Shi. She was a Mary Sue."

"Here's my OC, Kristina Jose Marky Trinity. Please don't say she's a Mary Sue."

by glibmonster July 16, 2017

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