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the place where idiot mods and uneducated admins have given a douche named ekfucker some legitimacy. This is a place where there is no free speech and if you saying something that certain mods do not like, you get banned and insulted

hfboards and the logic of free speach

Poster 1 "Luongo is overrated and the the Canucks will only get a 2nd and a prospect for him

Poster 2(canuck fan) "You are an idiot. (Luongo) will get 2 first, three top prospects and several other players you should just die for disagreeing with us"

Poster 1 "Dude, give your head a shake

Vancouver mod "Posters 1 banned for being a fucking idiot and poster 2 made a mod to keep idiots like that in line

by gloria maddar October 29, 2012

634👍 66👎