A Scottish name meaning I will kill you if you start trouble with my friends or my clan .
2.crazy muther scratcher that Will take great pleasure ripping your eye out so you can watch yourself getting your ass kicked .
Onlooker: Damn it man,what the the hell happened to you
Dumb ass that crossed the proverbial line:
I don't know I was shooting my mouth off and got MacFarlane'd
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to br00t@lly walk around to br3@kdowns.
you can find scene kids displaying this at local murdercore shows.
Scotty: Dude, I got roundhouse kicked soo hard, when I was creep walking around to that br00t@l breakdown at the TDWP show last night.
Jerry: That sucks brah, you shouldn't creep walk that low next time.
Scotty: Shut up, Jerry.
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