n. a medical term used to indicate that it is uncertain which venereal disease is rotting your genitals this time.
Whoa! That looks nasty. Did the doctor say what you got?
He said there's a pusability I got the syph, or maybe galloping herpes. He suggested I stay inside with the lights off and the doors locked until the swabs come back.
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v. originally it referred to a movement west toward new frontiers, prosperity, freedom etc. but now it suggests movement or progress away from any restaint, any rules, any authority.
This town sucks man. Time to wester.
Salvador Dali's cryptic westering was initially thought to be indicative of temporal lobe epilelepsy.
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More left. Usually shouted in tense moments when directing covering fire, giving driving instructions etc.
Don't put the clamp on that you fool! That's the ureter! Clamp to the left of that.
No!! Lefter!!! Lefter!! Oh God! Nurse, get me five units of blood and my lawyer's phone number.
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n. Absolute smallest length of time a condom can be worn for effective protection.
That right there was the condominimum!
Yeah. I thought it was a tiny length.
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Is it safe to bring the girls over tonight or are your parents still gadhafing?
Better wait until next weekend dude. I may have to call for an air strike to get the wrinklies out of the house.
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adj. having the qualities of Eeyore, i.e. being strikingly gloomy, sad or ho hummish on a chronic basis.
Check out the eeyoric goth chick with the tears tattooed on her cheeks. So sad.
She's probably upset because she's at Baskin Robbins instead of her dark castle.
Yeah. Her dark castle in 1398.
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adj. Capable of inducing claustrophobia.
Nice apartment dude. Perhaps a bit tiny. I hope your new wife isn't claustral.
No. I think she's Lutheran.
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