Is it safe to bring the girls over tonight or are your parents still gadhafing?
Better wait until next weekend dude. I may have to call for an air strike to get the wrinklies out of the house.
22π 3π
v. originally it referred to a movement west toward new frontiers, prosperity, freedom etc. but now it suggests movement or progress away from any restaint, any rules, any authority.
This town sucks man. Time to wester.
Salvador Dali's cryptic westering was initially thought to be indicative of temporal lobe epilelepsy.
19π 8π
Useful building or maintenance activities that occur in your yard.
Ibought the lumber and I plan to spend the day yardening.
83π 21π
adj. Part of a misguided attempt by Canadians to make freezing winter days seem elegantly desirable, somehow sophisticated, or perhaps "precious".
Lovely colde fronte blasting across the barren wasteland today my good man! Makes the olde blood coagulate. Eh what!
I can't hear you! My ears froze off two kilometers ago.
24π 28π
n. New device from Apple that Steve Jobs must have been working on because he whispered it to his doctor.
I want to get me an iDead.
That's a terrible joke. Steve Jobs was a saint.
40π 16π
adj. Urban shorthand for incredible.
Mazing ride dude!
That steel be mazing! Word! That a 38?
35π 16π
place. Burbling waterfall-side town in the lesser gravel bar region of Alberta. Settled by Norwegian rock collectors during the bevelled agate phase of the Western Canada gem rush.
Reliant on eco-tourism since its days as a haven for draft dodgers in the sixties, Krinkle Creek enjoys a reputation as a great place to escape from the drudgery of modern life. Visitors are guaranteed a lack of even the simplest of modern conveniences or courtesies.
How about a walk up to Krinkle Creek to see the waterfall?
Are you mad?
15π 2π