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parading the guards

v.phrase. Exposing one's genitals in public if one is royalty.


I say! Prince Harry has been parading the guards rather a lot lately. It just isn't cricket old boy. I think it all started when his great-granny started letting the corgis out.

by gnostic1 September 24, 2012


v. The process of moving an idealistic group into a previously well-maintained public square or park; also the movement of any unwanted group onto any desirable property or personal space.

When is this occupation of North America by the Europeans going to end? I have some plans for lower Manhattan island that I'd like to get to.

Hey! Some random family is occupying our "slacker" table in the food court.

by gnostic1 November 24, 2011

60πŸ‘ 27πŸ‘Ž


n. well-endowed woman generally found serving Bavarian beer in amusingly ornate steins at Oktoberfests.

Ve should go to Eckville and check out the busty-blausen mit de shirten-low and the lowen-brau.

Nein! I am allergen to oomp-pa-pa accordion music.

by gnostic1 July 22, 2011

17πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž


Person who acts like he's sniffed too much gasoline, glue etc. Possessed of a confused, disconnected brain.

I want a scalpel, not a forceps! You are such a fumer!

by gnostic1 August 6, 2010

48πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž

freckle wagon

n. fictional conveyance that delivers freckles, nevi and lentigo to the homes of cute girls.

Wow! I see you kept the freckle wagon pretty busy when you were little.


by gnostic1 July 23, 2011

20πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž

high hard one

phrase. Ice hockey term for a fast rising slap-shot. Also a sexual euphemism.


Hey Michelle! Here comes a high hard one. Get your trapper ready and keep your five-hole closed.

by gnostic1 July 12, 2012

13πŸ‘ 10πŸ‘Ž


v. 1) employing ones wiles to rise to the top.

2) upper crust British catering, usually inedible.

1) Lemarette is the new shift manager! I thought I was good at katering but that fluffer must be masterful.

2) Two Earls died of explosive diarrhoea in the Royal enclosure at Ascot last week.

Only two? Sounds like the katering has finally improved.

by gnostic1 April 30, 2011

21πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž