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v. Waiting in the wings.


Kamala Harris, right now, is just bidentime.

by gnostic3 August 12, 2020


v. To push over enthusiastically for Hebraic rights.


We are going to jewbully continuously until all of Israel is ours.

by gnostic3 June 8, 2022


n. A juror who has decided in advance how he will vote.


Of course Bob is guilty of murder most foul! I am a trumpjuror. Wake me up when the deliberationdonuts arrive.

by gnostic3 February 15, 2021


n. Incredibly difficult work assignment in which one struggles to overcome seemingly insurmountable difficulties such as bad lighting, smoke, bleeding etc and an increasing surfeit of urine.


Where is the general surgery resident? I want to give her some pointless tasks.

Bladderhell. Again.

by gnostic3 November 19, 2017


n. A happy state in which operative team jubilation occurs because the patient's trachea has been filled by a plastic cylinder conveying anaesthetic gases ... and oxygen.


Finally! Tubulation has been achieved and Daniel can start composing ribald pimple limericks.

"Daniel's needle created a dimple
The size of a Saturday pimple.
The nurse said, "Are you blind?"
Dan replied, "I don't mind!
I've got two doctorates but I'm simple."

by gnostic3 August 17, 2023


v. Dismantle and reassemble in a more efficient manner.


Did you whipple my dish washer. It keeps spitting plates into the cupboard and yesterday a knife nearly took my eye out.

No pain; no gaizn. Stand aside for progress old man.

Again: you are only five.

by gnostic3 March 16, 2021


n. Freedom to destroy one’s liver with copious amounts of alcohol.


Give me liverty or give me death. Or both!!

by gnostic3 December 20, 2021