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Cincinnati Bengals

an insignificant team from the insignificant town of cincinnati, ohio, whose only tradition is losing. the fans think they are rivals with the browns and the steelers, but cleveland and pittsburgh hate each other and really dont care about them whatsoever. they stole the idea of the "dawg pound" and created "the jungle." they stole the "Terrible Towel" and created the "who dey hanky."

Bengals Fan: "I love my Cincinnati Bengals, and I can't wait for the Steeler's game. I hate them. WHO DEY!!!"
Steelers Fan: "Cincinnati Who?"
Bengals Fan: "I hate the Browns, lets go Bengals."
Browns Fan: "Cincinnati Who? FUCK PITTSBURGH."

by go browns November 15, 2006

167👍 187👎

big old fat titties

More than enough to overflow the circumfrence of both of your hands.

Damn, looks at Sally's BIG OLD FAT TITTIES!

by go browns November 11, 2007

23👍 11👎