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to be down to earth; have a grip on reality

"I'm real what you get is what you see" - J Lo...whos probably da last person to say that line. But iz a good example.

by go2sleep bia September 27, 2003

357👍 169👎


a Japanese car company founded by Yataro Iwasaki; started in 1870

"The MITSUBISHI evo VII is mah baby"

by go2sleep bia September 25, 2003

30👍 47👎


how most people pronounce 'just'; the way some people type 'just'

"juss do it"

by go2sleep bia September 27, 2003

15👍 17👎


a played-out 98' word

"gettin jiggy wid it..." -Will Smith who needs to stiq with Movies~ not Music

by go2sleep bia September 25, 2003

10👍 36👎


money; aromatic plant used to flavor candy and such; confections flavored with mint

"some people need to have a fuqin mint before they open ther stank ass mouth one more tym..."

by go2sleep bia September 25, 2003

5👍 7👎