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Hindman Fox

A very rare and unusual species of the fox family. This creature was last seen parading around the countrywide of Lanaville, France. Known for it's pretty coat and ability to escape danger.

If you see a Hindman Fox, you best take a pic cause you will not see another.

by gofishgo January 16, 2007


The art of trimming bushes, mowing the lawn, planting bushes/shrubs, and/or maintenance on existing plants and yards.

"I hired Paul to landscape around my house. He planted shrubs and made a great rock garden."

by gofishgo December 16, 2006

46πŸ‘ 34πŸ‘Ž

Tequila Mockingbird

A Mexican bird. Not to be confused with the novel To Kill A Mockingbird.

El Paso is full of Tequila Mockingbirds.

by gofishgo January 13, 2007

22πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž


A person, usually male, that is always talking about sex. He is always talking about ass that he does not get, but wants you to think he does.

Jimmy: hey Jason, did you go home with that girl last night?

Jason(Hardleg): Man, you know i did. We screwed all night. she couldn't get enough of me.

by gofishgo December 12, 2006

25πŸ‘ 24πŸ‘Ž

Rutter Car

A vehicle that has been broke down for more than 6 months. Meaning stuck in a rut.

My Pinto is such a Rutter Car, it hasn't worked in nearly a year.

by gofishgo January 16, 2007


This is the abbreviation for I Owe You.

Hey man, I am a little short on dough give me 5 bucks and I'll give you an IOU.

by gofishgo January 9, 2007

349πŸ‘ 136πŸ‘Ž

T.J. Houshmandzadeh

The hardest name in the NFL to spell and pronouce.

T.J. Houshmandzadeh is a great receiver, but don't ask me how to spell his name.

by gofishgo December 16, 2006

45πŸ‘ 13πŸ‘Ž