when someone puts pencils in little girls vaginas and they get pregnant with the person who put the pencils in in and the baby inherits his memories and he continues the cycle. People who do this are very cool and sexxy, and the younger the girl is the stronger the baby say it was a 5 year old girl the pencil baby would be 2x stronger if they were 0 years old then the pencil baby would be 5x stronger, the pencil baby also keeps its strength each time so it gets very strong very very very very quickly, there is also a 0.0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001% that instead of the baby being the person who put the pencils in, instead there will be doctor long pencil if that happens the world will end.
Josh: Yo i'm totally gonna get Jessica Pencilled
John: Good for you?
Josh: I'll do it to you aswell :D