TMWDS: The Monkey Went Down South is a ironic expression to say to a person, why certain women run out of eggs, at a certain age. Depending on the circumstances it maybe used as a can be a sensitive is very contradictionary, most women or at least a certain percentage complain or experience wicked "pms" on a monthly basis and one might think it would be wonderful for them if that experience of pain, would at a certain age, come to an's still a sensitive subject. Word to the wise!
" it? TMWDS...could very well be.
After Diner Dip: a moment in time where different "moments" come together, a coffee break, a nap, a hangover, a bad news message, a happy news message, an overload of information, a excpectation, a brief thought..thus these moments combined result in a dip, or an
"after diner dip."
After Diner Dips happen. They do.
"i have an "After Diner Dip." please wait and proceed bitching after coffee, thank you."
"something about things and peas, something about ..wait.. can't talk, damn it it's happening allready "After Diner Dip."
"i'm expecting a huge "After Diner Dip." so i won't be able to function accordingly."
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calf locked: a very annoying state of being wherein "people" mistake certain words with activities, calves are not animals but part of the human atonomy, this can happen because of time difference, word blindness, illiteracy, language barrier, accident, act of aggresion, the end of imagination, which is always a failure to communicate or perhaps a mistake.
"Oi! calf locked? Stretch those calves! they needin not to get locked!"
"calf locked. On purpose? Dude that's so not of this century, you're 18th century mentality is blocking our present nowadays!"
"I am so stoked! Careful, scared bro at your six, don't get calf locked!"
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employment of which one can feel little satisfaction or sense of accomplishment unless there is punishment or a sense of meanness involved and alas the later feelings are of a stronger urge. (rather scary actually)
"No, that's a total Non-Job, you want kids right? Think about how they would feel?!"
"Dude, i will never work there, NJ, i would like to be a healer!"
" I almost took a Non-Job, what was i thinking? Are you my friend or what?! Tell me you got my back man?!"
"Can't do it, it's an NJ ..yeah don't like to punish."
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beautiful people fatigue syndrome or BPFS is a common condition that involves the total ignorance of "beautiful" people, which can result in delay or complete denial of status surrounding that beautifulness. Although it's fun sometimes to give attention.
"wow, they are always the same height, they look alike...yes, their with the program..oh 2.3 kids? no, the business-typ-marriage-dating-thing...ohhh...the one with the car? yes, that's the one. BPFS.
"did you see the dress? No, not really. The shoes? no, not really. the incredible hunky boyfriend? i'm a flexitarian myself. BPFS.
"did you see those teeth? it doesn't even look like flirting anymore!BPFS"
"What's up with being human?! Seen one, seen them all! BPFS"
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TMTSTT-why: The Moment They Start Talking To You, the moment you have no clue as to how quickly or fast to get away before the "chitchat" starts.
TMTSTT-why is an allergic reaction to chitchat, it might be the intonation, i can feel my arches going needs needs a lot of pepper and prepare to have loooooooooooong midwinter tune out naps. But as they say "chitchat" is part of the friendship deal.
"check my pulse! Why? it TMTSTT-why? Yes. it needs pepper."
"let's go eat something with the guys over there, that group of people give me instant TMTSTT-why! Cool."
"breathe woman give me TMTSTT-why."
working poverty: a phrase of which every half or decent human being should feel a flash of shame when uttering out loud mostly because it's unnecessary and almost everybody knows this.
Also it tells us that, while people are working they are still "poor" (there are many definitions or feelings concerning the word poor but in this context it can be read as "f***ed" or "scr##ed" or even opportunity, you define it, get creative) some people have very funny ideas on what winning means, i'm sure they read the expression "throphy kids" as if it's a bad thing. (see egg thief for further and broader definition)
"can i lend some money? i thought you we're working? i do and i am, i'm working poverty."
"50-60 hours a week, that should do it, right? Not! Working poverty."
"working poverty, opportunity, bring the coupons."
"surplus-coupons-working poverty-long expiration date-opportunity-stack for winter bro!"
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