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when something meets with an unfortunate demise or the sound made when this occurs

“I twisted the dilly-doo until the thingy lined up with the whosie-whatsit and wouldn’t ya know it. The dingus got all gashnitzed and gashnizzled and the jobby-joo went wizz-bang out the back. Please forgive me if I’m getting too technical for you. It’s just that I’ve been workin’ in the doojigger biz since I was knee-high to a whatchamacallit and I rarely interact with you civilians.”

by goose_on_a_roof October 15, 2020

451👍 1👎


An attractive girl/woman that radiates a stellar feminine quality (derived from the astronomy term of the same name meaning: an extremely luminous active galactic nucleus, in which a supermassive black hole with mass ranging from millions to billions of times the mass of the Sun is surrounded by a gaseous accretion disk.)

"Dude, I know ya love those knee-shootin’ yabos but there’s such a thing as too big. Now take that little amuse-bouche. That quasar has got a nice set of perts."

by goose_on_a_roof October 9, 2020

628👍 7👎


A restaurant or place to eat

"I gotta squat for a jiffy wiz in The Gran Manzana and I've been head sparkin’ ‘bout pounding that Coney fillet in a twee fire-in-the-hole.
The dewclaws are up. Ya wanna draft my flivver?
Bang the pipes by 5:00 or hold peace.”

"I’ve got a layover in New York City and was thinking about getting a hotdog in a quaint restaurant.
I’m enthusiastic. Do you want to come along?
Call me by 5:00 or it will be too late."

by goose_on_a_roof October 9, 2020

462👍 19👎

Sphincter Sinatra

one that loves to break wind and will do so anytime or anywhere (like a crooner that breaks into song in an old 40’s musical)

“Dude, plug that blow hole. Nobody wants to wants to hear your ‘Summer Wind’. Don’t be a sphincter Sinatra.”

by goose_on_a_roof October 11, 2020

654👍 2👎

Gaseous Clay

a person with horrendously smelly farts (as he floats like a butterfly and stings like a bee. This is derived from “Cassius Clay” which is the birth name of the famed boxer Muhammad Ali.)

"SWEET MOTHER OF GOD!!! What is that smell? Whoa, you’re a regular Gaseous Clay. Alright, I throw in the towel. Now help me back on my feet, would ya?"

by goose_on_a_roof October 11, 2020

610👍 4👎


an item in which the name or function is unbeknownst to (or has been forgotten by) the person uttering the term

“I twisted the dilly-doo until the thingy lined up with the whosie-whatsit and wouldn’t ya know it. The dingus got all gashnitzed and gashnizzled and the jobby-joo went wizz-bang out the back. Please forgive me if I’m getting too technical for you. It’s just that I’ve been workin’ in the doojigger biz since I was knee-high to a whatchamacallit and I rarely interact with you civilians.”

by goose_on_a_roof October 15, 2020

418👍 1👎


A fearless mate, he would be, an’ the finest buccaneer I ever lay me eyes on. He can swing from the riggin’, cutlass in hand, with war cry to chill ye to the bone. No mortal man could fill his boots as his seabag have the orbs of a binnacle. Drink a man ‘til he be red in the eye, ‘e could, an’ crack another bottle o’ grog fer good measure. A fine figure he cut, like the jib of a clipper. …an’ the lassies, oh the lassies…linin’ up to be his conquest, like flies bearin’ gifts to a spider, they be. With the staff of Poseidon, he slay the wenches, leavin’ ‘em breathless an’ quiverin’. Aye, matey, but Todd be the one…loyal to his captain and mates. He be the one ye turn when somethin’ needs doin’. Like a shark with a seaman’s leg, he’ll never let ‘er go.

Wench: Beggin’ ye pardon, m’ lord, but would Todd be with ye.
Captain: Aye, lassie, but he already be outfit with six young maidens.
Wench: Crap-eth!

by goose_on_a_roof August 21, 2021

446👍 41👎