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A very brilliant fuck. applies to either/all sexes.

mate, we blew our brains out, we had the most cumtabulous time on Great Kepple Island.

by goosenard June 30, 2006

2👍 4👎

battle axe

woman of hideous proportians, usually bottle blond with the RIGHT opinion on every thing, so help you God!!

Margaret Thatcher, the battle axe of the Falklands

by goosenard June 30, 2006

258👍 375👎

master strokes

wanking, the last few strokes of your cock before you blow all over the wall.. huge

What master strokes!I was wanking away thinking about Hugh Jackman. I just blew my load all over the bedroom wall. It went so far it missed my face!

by goosenard June 30, 2006

12👍 8👎