Source Code


A township in Delaware County Pennsylvania. There is also a Darby Borough in Delaware county too. Running near thoses two towns is Darby creek. There is also a Darby road in the township of Haverford.

I don't remember if Bob lives in Darby township or Darby borough. Or does he live on Darby road? I think I killed some brain cells swimming in Darby creek.

by grant June 13, 2004

25๐Ÿ‘ 49๐Ÿ‘Ž


a sudden upward jerk on the underpants, stinging like crazy at the crotch

A bully likes to give wedgies.

by grant March 6, 2005

92๐Ÿ‘ 77๐Ÿ‘Ž


the act of needing something badly. Usually related to chemical dependency.

I've been jonesing for a joint all day.

by grant November 8, 2002

928๐Ÿ‘ 424๐Ÿ‘Ž

Wal-Mart ratio

A national census of people who shop only at discount stores (not just Wal mart). Commonly found in the rural south.

I love my grandmother, i really do, but shes part of the Wal Mart ratio. You can tell by that linted, faded sweater i got from her last christmas

by grant July 18, 2003

14๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž


A township in Delaware county ("DELCO") Pennsylvania. Haverford is part of the "Main line" in the Philadelphia subburbs. Main roads include Darby Road, West Chester Pike (PA Route 3), Township line (US Route 1)(borders Upper Darby Township), Haverford road, Eagle road, Ardmore Ave, Manoa road, and Earlington ave. I-476 runs briefly into haverford but the West Chester Pike exit is just over the township's border in Marple Township. There is no way to get onto I-476 from with in Haverford township. Haverford is also home to the Grange estate and Haverford College. Haverford has several creeks including Naylor's run, Darby creek, and Cobbs Creek.

Haverford township is a nice quiet place to live. Did you know Haverford college is off of Haverford Road?

by grant July 6, 2004

78๐Ÿ‘ 55๐Ÿ‘Ž