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Sin is the spawn of insolence

That to be sinful is a product of insolent behaviour and that from sin will spawn insolence.

John did not know that sin is the spawn of insolence and that he himself was a sinner and a fornicator.

by green923jade October 21, 2016


A performance-enhancing chewing gum which has the unfortunate side-effect of inducing diarrhoea.

Whilst taking my exams I was on the Gary-Gum.

by green923jade November 16, 2016

Batty Language

To speak in the native language of the anus.

John really was a tit and fluent in the batty language too!

by green923jade October 15, 2016

bud a dawg

When you are of low morality and integrity you are nothing bud a dawg.

He ain't nothin bud a dawg.

by green923jade May 21, 2019

I would eat a mile of your shit to smell your farts

A classic line to woo a woman, meaning that you would do whatever it takes to be close to her.

John saw her from across the room, she was beautiful, he wanted to know her. He downed a vodka and coke and casually made his way over to the bar to order another. "Voda and coke please" he said to the barman. He took a silent but deep breath. "I've been watching you all evening and I would eat a mile of your shit to smell your farts." She smiled, and said "come on then lets go to the bathroom"

by green923jade January 9, 2021


A unit of counting that equals one hundred trillion million billion gillion.

John had worked hard his whole life and had a fillion pounds in the bank.

by green923jade December 4, 2016

33👍 4👎


The acronym M.A.T.H.S. stands for Mathematical Anti-Telharsic Harfatum Septomin.

We use M.A.T.H.S. at almost every point of the day, whether we're working out how to thread our shoelaces, calculating the optimal moment on which to embark upon a conversation, or, if you can fly, planning your trajectory for the journey to work.

by green923jade May 1, 2017