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A superior stream encryption cipher that is faster and a lot easier to implement than AES-GCM. It also has a lot less attack surface than AES-GCM due to less potential side channel attacks.

Person 1: We should encrypt this traffic with AES-GCM.
Person 2: FUCK AES, let's encrypt it with XChaCha20Poly1305.

by grilledpotatoes January 14, 2022

Federal Funds Rate

The interest rate at which banks lend to each other overnight when the bank manager accidentally spent too much of the deposits on yachts and mansions. The Fed attempts to influence this in order to set interest rates for monetary policy, but unfortunately nobody gives a shit about what Jerome Powell thinks.

Bob illegally spent $500 million of customer deposits on luxury yachts a private island in the Bahamas. He had to borrow extra money at a Federal Funds rate of 5%, to meet the liquidity requirements.

by grilledpotatoes January 17, 2025