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Commonly used phrase when someones telling you something and you dont believe em

"won the fuckin lottery at the weekend, £6 million quid like"

"Whatever you fuckin turncoat"

by grolsch guzzler September 1, 2003

10👍 32👎

Turn coat

Someone dodgy

Our mate Noel from the pub

by grolsch guzzler September 1, 2003

11👍 18👎


The Human Exit Pipe

Nice fartbox our kid.. U wanna tighten it up a bit though, too much treble, not enough bass

by grolsch guzzler September 3, 2003

44👍 36👎

poo pipe

the human arsehole

Bet that queer cunt gets hammered up THE POO PIPE

by grolsch guzzler September 3, 2003

44👍 10👎