The abstract noun of nonagenarian. The act or quality of being a nonagenarian, or in their 90s.
I look forward to loving my Dad in his nonagenarity, ever agile, ever compassionate, a hero called NonaMan and an inspiration.
When you're about 3 episodes into a night of your most recent tv series gluttony and someone calls, that you can't ignore, temporarily sidetracking your binge.
We were fast into the re-rustling scene in yellowstone, when Ned called to ask whether there were any finger prickers left at home, causing a major bingeus interruptus.
Simplyâ¦a virtual vigil.
When logistics, costs or other constraints limit the ability of people to attend a funeral, memorial, honorarium, etc., everyone gathers at a virtual location to do so and pay a collective respect and love.
Kevin explained how a beloved Fleet Command buddy had passed away recently and everyone declared a peace and visited his home station to pay their respects at a vigirtual