slang term for the toilet supposed to be polite but sounds dodgy to me.
excuse me, I but I must visit the the little boys room.
91π 14π
a word to decribe your arsehole
jesus fuckme I had a curry last night and now my shiter is buring like fuck.
60π 26π
a old drunk who drinks cheap nasty cider to excess
Tom always drinks cider hes a cider lout.
hey guys steven did me up the shiter last night
31π 10π
a person who hangs around other poeple scoialy and never pays his way ie gets people to buy him drinks food etc but never returns the favour.
thats the 5th pint ive bought that cunt Dave hes such a ponce.
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london expression, for jerking off, wanking, tossing etc.
Man im board Ill think squeeze one out.
39π 21π
British Prison slang for a bank robber
thats bill davis over there, hes a blagger, he robbed 3 post offices.
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