you are about to die and your practically in bracing it your life sucks so much you want it to end
jimmy jumped off a cliff shouting "goodbye world!"
who in there right mind would think of 10 LETTERS inbetween letters truly your as dumb as me
this is truly it you have reached maximum boredom its just you and me now the others gave up righting definitions so i guess your stuck with me but seriously go outside.
you have searched qpl
22👍 1👎
your smart very smart you know exactly how you got here but i am quicker you thought who would possibly do this you have on the way learnt a word that even means the queen is a doosh yet you still go on you can take bull behind the horns now goodluck
who ever searched qf, is dumb stupid and has way to much free time
2👍 4👎
how in the name of fuck did you find this its literally just random letters
i am going to type in some random shit cuz i am bored ajfaofujaod