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A place where your romantic feelings towards a 'friend' will never be reciprocated and stay forever as a platonic friendship.

One can almost always find themselves in the friend zone if they decide to befriend their SO before deciding to take any sort of romantic approach to go from 'seeing each other' to dating.

Nice guys are told by society to be friendly and kind towards women to truly get with them. The sad reality is this route will lead to nothing but a sexless friendship. If you want something you have to get straight to the point and make your intentions known before you are ever even considered friends. Get rejected without investing into a friendship than wasting your time being friends when you want more from the SO.

Women hate being used and will complain about it. That jerk that broke her heart is no better than you faking a friendship and later telling her that all you wanted was to get into her pants. This display you as nothing but a man and you are devious and she will remove you from her life without another thought.


Chris: I could never be just friends with you, I want to be more
Katie: You never brought it up before, if you told me before it would've been different. We are good friends and I don't want to ruin that friendship
Chris: Fuck the Friendzone

by guywithtaste February 13, 2016

11👍 58👎

Friend Zone

A term used by women when they reject your romantic advancements. Both men and women can find themselves "friendzoned" due to the fact they did not make their original intentions known. Men and women can strictly be friends only under certain circumstances; ie: no attraction, childhood friends, both are in a relationship, etc. People that find themselves in the Friend Zone only have themselves to blame, make your intentions known at the very beginning or the other person will think you are only interested in a platonic friendship. Being the nice guy and never making a move will never work, and will always reserve yourself a comfortable purple loveless sofa in the Friend Zone.

From personal experience, being friends first does not work! Do not confuse being friends with being friendly! Let me clarify further, obviously if you treat the person like total utter crap and they have self worth they will not date you. If you treat the person like a sibling then they will immediately Friend Zone you to oblivion and beyond. Make your romantic intentions known as early as possible!

I will use an example of how I got friendzoned and handled the situation, NEVER put yourself in this situation in the first place! It's a horrible place to be in!

Chris: I want to be more than friends

Katie: If you told me this months ago, it would have been different. But I only see you as a friend
Chris: Fuck the Friend Zone
Chris: Get back to me once you change your mind

by guywithtaste February 19, 2016

nice guy

A beta male that is the opposite of what women are actually attracted to. Often seen to women as a manipulating a friendship or doing favours almost like putting coins into a machine hoping to get sex out of it. It never works.

The problem with being the nice guy is the mindset that it springs from. A man supplicating to a woman is doing it out of insecurity and desperation for her approval and sexual attention.
Want to lay hot chicks? Then keep this first and foremost in mind: The quickest and easiest way to kill any attraction a woman may be starting to feel for you is to feel insecure about yourself, or to be needy, or to seek approval. When you have the mindset of being desperate to please, you end up coming on too strong, too early. You become clingy. It’s like you’re begging.

This reminds me of an old saying about banks: they only want to loan you money when
you’re loaded already. If you genuinely need the money, then you can forget it.

Chris was a nice guy, he never got laid.

by guywithtaste February 28, 2016

3👍 1👎