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a duck made out of unicode, that's it.

Person 1: i like ducks
Person 2: ▟-
Person 1: aww a duck!

by h is a pog letter pog pog pog February 9, 2021


a thing someone types when they know about unicode and want to look weird


by h is a pog letter pog pog pog February 9, 2021


usually what people type when they are bored over and over again, or stressed.

Person 1: lol ez
Person 2: ghfrujdfhdjghdfgjkd
Person 1: haha

by h is a pog letter pog pog pog February 9, 2021


a big ass box

person 1: ▉
person 2: that's a big box

by h is a pog letter pog pog pog February 9, 2021



Person 1: undefined
Person 2: Ah, yes, indeed.

by h is a pog letter pog pog pog February 25, 2021

6👍 1👎


all the things you can get from that weird key on the keyboard that you'll never use
it also takes you 3 years to figure out how to get the ¦ out of it, as you never use alt gr either.

Person 1: `¬¦
Person 2: ew thats a useless key
Person 2: wait how did you get that wierd :
Person 1: ¦

by h is a pog letter pog pog pog February 9, 2021