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Another word for "whitewashed". Aka changing the color of a character's dark skin in a fanart to be lighter, or white.

I just saw a Boondocks fanart, but the character was snowbunnied.

by hailst0rm133 June 15, 2023

4👍 6👎

Fruit Locker

A fruit locker is a locker, usually one at school, where people put fruit, vegetables and other food items (usually from lunch) inside of a locker and leave it alone so that the food rots and creates a horrible smell.

There's a fruit locker in locker 121.

by hailst0rm133 May 17, 2023

Crisp Water

In which a beverage, usually water, is 'hitting the spot' or is very cold and refreshing.

I had some super crisp water yesterday. I put in the freezer

by hailst0rm133 October 18, 2022

Geek speak

A conversation where some geeks chat about something usually unpopular.

A - "Do you hear Jake and Joey? They're talking about that stupid new video game."
B - "Total geek speak."

by hailst0rm133 June 23, 2022


Slang for "delusional"

Person A - Hey, did you know what happened to Sarah?
Person B - Yes! They put her in a psych ward. They think she's delulu.

by hailst0rm133 May 15, 2023