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Lesbian- a women who is attracted to only those who identify as female
Gay- a man who is attracted to only those who identify as male. also used as any person who likes the same gender as themself

Bisexual- a person who is attracted to two genders (typically male and female though this is interchangeable for each person. regarding being attracted to more than two genders see pansexual)
Transgender- a person who identifies as the opposite gender to which they were originally assigned
Questioning- not being sure of your sexuality/ gender identity/ your place in the LGBT+ community

LET ME KNOW IF YOU FEEL AS IF A DEFINITION FOR ANY OF THESE SEXULITIES ARE WRONG, I WILL FIX IT WHERE NESSICARY. I am a part of the LGBTQ community, but some things I'm less informed on then others, so if I'm wrong I really would like to know, so I can correct myself in the future

Person A: I don't know my sexuality, but I know I like the same gender as myself

Person B: get involved in the LGBTQ community!! they're so welcoming, and will help you find yourself in no time!

by haleyisapenguin July 23, 2016

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