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When she's responsible, she's really responsible, but when she's not, she's probably watching Youtube videos of cops tackling people. Cuz why not. Thinks with her heart AND her head, because people who act from emotion-only and make dumb choices really annoy her. Doesn't like when people bring drama to her door, and prefers friends who are wiser than their years.

Enjoys secrets, cartoons, the right to be silly, laughing, sometimes really loudly, good books, friends, classic films, and cuddling. Not the most romantic, but enjoys watching romance films. Can't handle people who are high maintenance very well.

Valeries are the type to pick up where they left off, so if you haven't seen her in two months, its totally cool, cuz she still considers you her best friend. Fiercely protective of loved ones, the first to stick up for someone being bullied, and in an emergency, is quick on her feet. Cheating is not an option. Honor, virtue, and a good reputation are her aim, just like she reads in her beloved Jane Austin books.

Motto- "don't think, don't feel, just do". - "keep it real, keep it simple, keep it real simple".
Hates letting people down, loves lifting people up.
When angry, will fantasize about flinging bricks through windows.

When vulnerable, will pull into her shell faster than Donatello.
Likes trying new things in new places.

Believes there is a huge difference between a female and Woman.

Who are you talking about? Valerie?! Oh yeah, that chick is the Ultimate woman!

by halobunny1976 July 25, 2019

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