Source Code


One of NYC's greatest graffiti legends. Now known as "DJ Kay Slay". Now.. this is when he was dope, he has obviusly sold out now to the top 40 rap culture, but before all that he was a true subway crusher. He was in the legendary movie "Style Wars" 1982. A legend, and a hero. Peace

Damn... I give my props to all that cats on Style wars, Skeme, Dez, Trap, Revolt, Zephyr, Min One, Dondi, Shy 147, Iz, Cap, etc, they are all legends and should never be forgotten.

by hamydeez April 16, 2004

83πŸ‘ 56πŸ‘Ž


a muthafuckin cuban and chinese like me. shit, you could be cuban and japanese, vietnamese, portugese. A half bred cuban. The illest.

Hdilla the cubanese lover

by hamydeez November 2, 2004

36πŸ‘ 21πŸ‘Ž


Basically another term for Brooklyn.

"Crooklyn Dodgers" is an ill song

by hamydeez October 6, 2003

138πŸ‘ 28πŸ‘Ž


Abbreviation for the Bay View/Hunter's Point neighborhood in south east San Francisco. SF's most notorious neighborhood, home to the RBL Posse, Big Block Records, the sco's most notorious niggaz, the infamous Hunter's Point housing projects, Oakdale projects and more. A place no outta towner should be. hunters point sunnydale

HP aint nuttint a fuck wit

by hamydeez November 5, 2004

114πŸ‘ 109πŸ‘Ž


A $100 Bill.. Or if you are a chain smoker like me, you get C-Notes (Camel Dollars) off the back of the Camel Cigarette boxes.

Shit, if I collect 500 C-Notes I can get a free Camel "turkish Gold" T-Shirt

by hamydeez April 16, 2004

254πŸ‘ 224πŸ‘Ž


Half of the spectrum of the decline of hip hop. Ones who helped evolve hip hop into the mess of Underground vs. "mainstream" They took on the label Undeground, becuase their records couldn't sell; First in foremost, because it isnt hip hop, it sounds like a bunch of shit, the crew is made out of a bunch of backpacking college white boys from Rhode Island. Anticon claims to be advancing hiphop, they have only declined hip hop into a pit.

"Damn bootsy ass white boy backpackers needa take their anticon shit outta rap" "Wanna hear a baby that was dumped in radioactive waste, speak? :: Ye, Sure :: Listen to Dose One. :: "

by hamydeez July 26, 2004

64πŸ‘ 96πŸ‘Ž


Acid Etch bath is an acidic solution used by graff writers in mops and other assorted markers to create a handstyle on a glass surface, in which the acid eats into the window, making that handstyle/tag unbuffable.

I went up and down down market street and etched the shit outta every building window I saw

by hamydeez April 19, 2004

79πŸ‘ 26πŸ‘Ž