Noun; After taking a shit and being unaware that you are out of toilet paper, your next best option is to search in the trash can next to you for any wiping material;
usually results in using:
-paper towels used previously to clean your sink
-toilet paper used to previously clean the top of the toothpaste
-previously used stridex pads
-previously used tampons wrapped up in toilet paper
-previously used tissues used to blow your nose
-the cardboard cylinder of the recently run-out toilet paper
"After eating chipotle, Mike rushed to the bathroom in order to drop his deuce. Afterwards, he realized that he was completely out of toilet paper. He then remembered his next best option: ass trash. Mike had to refer to wiping his ass with his mother's previously used vaginal pad.
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Noun: A person who is smoking marijuana for the first time, usually followed by excessive coughing and a repeating statement of "I'm so high."
The Virgin Mary Jane began eating all of my pizza rolls and kept saying "I'm so high."
That pussy only took one hit.
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Noun: A house party where all the alcohol and/or other substances are supplied by the host free-of-charge.
Antonym: Freeload Party
"Hey dude, you want to hit up this party tonight? It should be sick."
"Nah man, I don't have any money for booze."
"No worries, it's a gatsby party."
"Then hell yeuh!"
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stands for "Makes Every Girl Aroused"; nickname of a contestant on the first season of Tool Academy on VH1
"You can call me Mega because I make every girl aroused."
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Noun: Someone's only intention of doing something is to commit a sin.
To talk to a man or woman with the main intention if having sex.
To be friends or nicer than usual to someone with the intention of using them for his or her possessions or hook-ups.
"My only sintention of actually talking to this stupid girl is to have sex with her."
Noun: A house party where in order to get in you have to either bring your own booze (BYOB) or pay the host to drink; usually done by trading off the rights to have a party at the host's house as long as he or she gets profit or free alcohol/substances in the process.
Antonym: Gatsby Party
"Hey dude, you want to hit up this party tonight? It's better than just sitting around here."
"I don't know, is there going to be alcohol?"
"Yeah dude! Well, no... Only if you bring it yourself or you pay someone to drink theirs."
"So you're saying it's a freeload party..."
"Then no, those are fucking lame."
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Noun: The act of repeatedly dunking a person's head into a toilet while/after they vomit; usually done to someone who is puking as a result to consuming too much alcohol.
"While Mike began puking into the toilet after being unaware of his alcohol consumption limits, Chris began giving him a devil's swirly."
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