Having preserved one's virtue by not having sex.
Jolene was a good girl by Arkansas standards, she'd been chaste by her male kinfolks but had never been caught.
106π 45π
The act of not leaving your testicles to anyone in your will, but rather desiring they be buried with you.
They may not be much use at my age but by God as sure as they hang to my kneecaps I'm going to die intestate and take them with me.
6π 4π
After the chituch at Lukes bris the mohel grafted the shiznay to his bifurcated upper lip.
11π 26π
Slang for toilet paper.
Bubba, fetch me some teep, else I'm gonna have to cut up Mama's curtains.
7π 74π
Still dead. Usually abbreviated "tupac"
Richard Nixon is still tupac.
13π 40π
The blues, mental depression or sadness.
Bubba had a new tattoo he'd gotten last night with his mastercard, a hangover, had lost his dentures, the double-wide was leaking, he was a nickle shy for a lotto ticket, the tag on the Firebird was 2 months out-of-date and the transmission was leaking a quart a day, was being sued because his Blue Heeler raped a poodle and his court date for child support was tomorrow...he felt like dog poop.
10π 20π
An expression used to indicate annoyance at something or someone.
Every time I hear a politician pontificate about the Earned Income Credit or tax rebates for people who didn't pay taxes it frosts my balls.
32π 7π