An endearing trait all sailors and tourists have when visiting the Philippines or Mexico.
Seaman Apprentice Poindexter couldn't get a date back in his hometown of Akron, Ohio but in Manila the boy was a babe magnet because he had pesonality.
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n. An unpleasant person with a personality disorder rendering him unlikable, incapable of civility and proactively rude to all he encounters.
Totally controlled by his genetic make-up and the unfortunate fact that he was raised by lizards, Larry started complaining about everything in the hope that everyone would become as miserable as him.
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A military service academy graduate.
To convey to all those present that he was a West Point graduate, Major Talliafero lightly rapped his ring on the wooden conference table signaling to all present that did not already know so from toilet paper stuck to his shoe that he was a ringknocker, and thus worthy of respect.
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A response to a loaded question that seeks to elicit an affirmative reply.
Q. Hey, Rodney, I'm having a couple of close friends over tomorrow for beer and pizza...and to castrate some bull calves...can I count on you to come? A. Fuck that.
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Foolproof instuctions for laying sod.
How many pallets yall put out today? Hate to be the one to tell you...but it's greenside up.
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Composite of repute, repugnant and reptile meaning having the reputation of a reptile.
Hakim was reputile in his treatment of women and had great difficulty finding clogging partners.
An erection characterized by distended, pulsating blue veins; an exceptionally hard hard-on.
Julie gave me a blue-veiner when she bent over to pick up the dozen or so Viagra I'd coughed out when she told me she liked men who wear velcro shoes.
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