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An extremely addictictive game that actually will harm you.

I was introduced to runescape fall 2008, and from then on I was hooked. I played for hours and hours daily for 11 months until I noticed somthing was wrong. After a bit of investigating, I found that my iq had dropped by 20 points(I have been putting myself threw a sort of iq therapy that I literally pray will work), My grades, previously straight A's, had dropped to c's and b's, My behavior became uncontrolled and I developed bipolar disorder(no joke I have been diagnosed), my previously abundant ability to read, write and create has dropped(once again I am trying to put myself through a sort of therapy to solve this), and finally, I became a social butt.

This is NO JOKE. This game is dangerous to people minds and bodies. If you decide to play this game(which I advise not to), BE CAREFUL!

Before Runescape
Me: Hey guess what I got an A in Latin
Friend: Me too!

After starting Runescape

Friend: I got another A, how about you
Me:...I got a c, but managed to get a whip

After quitting runescape and therapy

Me: Oh yeah!! look at my A!!
Me: Oh thats right, everyone hates me now

by heine zero October 11, 2009

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