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The motions (inspired by the creepy dance latinos were going ape shit over in the 1990's.) that a person is forced to do when being arrested... putting the hands on the head then to the hips and behind the back, followed with the yank from behind with the hand cuffs.

This usually follows after the 'Don't take me to the pokey' dance, best described as the field sobriety test.

"I knew things were going in a bad way once I did the macharena, and spent the night in jail."

by hipstrkittn October 14, 2011


When someone blows you off , usually with " Wait for me for sure.." , or " I'm on my way, walking out the door..." With the end result of a 'no show.' Deliberately causing others to expect them, with no intention of following through. treating other people like red headed step children. Like a selfish a-hole acting like the world waits on their personal lame agenda.

"Did you call your friend?" , "Yes, it was 5 hours ago, I've been okee-doked again!"

by hipstrkittn October 2, 2011

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