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A branch of authoritarian communism (more specifically trotskyism) pioneered by J. Posadas, an Argentinian Trotskyist, which believes that a nuclear war will trigger a global proletarian revolution, causing all nations on the planet to become socialist. Posadism is also known for its theories about UFOs, specifically about how only a communist society could become so advanced as to achieve space travel, therefore if any aliens were to visit earth they would be communist. The third aspect of posadism, often referenced in memes, is dolphins. The claim is that posadists also believe that humans could theoretically communicate with dolphins, seeing them as an intelligent and developed enough species, only somehow we are prevented from doing so by capitalism. Sources for this are unclear.

I dunno man, posadism kinda makes a lot of sense, like, come on, the best way to get rid of capitalism is to just nuke it and then rebuild, right? And aliens that share my exact political philosophy? That’s just straight up rad! Plus, you gotta love the dolphins, dolphins are cute.

by homolizard February 16, 2020

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