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a little boy who happens to be the biggest asshole on the planet

teacher: 'please define emo class'

class: 'lachlan'

by honkeydonkey March 26, 2018

3👍 4👎

honkey donkey

woooOoooOOoOoOoooOoo goes the honkey donkey


wibbly wonkey donkey wonk goes the hobbly wobbly honkey donkey

by honkeydonkey March 26, 2018

LR 90 wipers

This is the action in which you are riding a motorcycle in the rain and need to eliminate the water on your visor. You simply turn your head to the (L)eft for a few seconds and then turn your head to the (R)ight for a few seconds while going 90 mph.

I was riding on my R1 to Indian Lake (logan county Ohio) when it started raining. I had to turn on my LR 90 wipers to even see the road.

by honkeydonkey May 23, 2013