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One way to call your balls in Spanish.
Its use is not advised in polite company.

Caress my tolongas while you blow me, Lupe!
My tolongas hang so low that I often trip over them.

by hugh g rection February 25, 2006

112πŸ‘ 19πŸ‘Ž


Thats the way hax0r kidz call the old in-and-out (which they know only from hearsay).

Im l00kin 4 a hax0r chix0r who wantz to sux0r my dix0r and then to fux0r

by hugh g rection January 17, 2005

221πŸ‘ 52πŸ‘Ž


that's when u got such a large cock you go about dragging it on the floor.
Also known as a mopwanger.

Make way... make way... mopwanger passing thru... doncha dare to step on it, or you can get mopbanged!

by hugh g rection October 31, 2003

49πŸ‘ 75πŸ‘Ž


1. The cowboys in Argentina
2. An unconfortable friend, who has questionable taste, bad manners, exposes you before your friends and undermines your social position. You wont get rid of him, dumping him near the freeway, because of course youre so fucking gay and you are banging him (or he is banging you). After a Steely Dan song, but then again, who the hell knows what they really meant?

1. Gaucho, sos un boludo ché...
2. Who is the gaucho amigo, why is he standing in your spangled-leather poncho, whith the studs that match your eyes? Bodacious cowboys, such as your friend, will never be welcome here, high in the Custerdome...

by hugh g rection January 28, 2005

184πŸ‘ 90πŸ‘Ž


Original Suba Rocket.

ME:My Leone layed a 10.4 down the quarter!
DUDE:Thats hardcore pimp!

by hugh g rection October 19, 2003

31πŸ‘ 36πŸ‘Ž


Generally, a log-shaped piece of shit.
Nevertheless, they are also found in coil-shape, mushroom-cloud shape, and even
loch ness monster shape.

From a country-and-western song: All she left me/ was a turd in the toilet
Unpublished Pink Floyd song: All in all your just/ another turd in the toilet

by hugh g rection September 17, 2003

4346πŸ‘ 1066πŸ‘Ž


Humorous name for oral sex.

Okay, okay Monica so u don't like anal... well, gimme some skull then, hon...
Ahh, and have a cigar...

by hugh g rection September 19, 2003

562πŸ‘ 236πŸ‘Ž