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A recent usage borne of the internet. Exact source and date yet undetermined.

1. Used similar to the past tense "... acquired" after a noun-phrase. Usually with a comma separating.

2. Also used when listing completed acquisition tasks in a set, as an alternative to saying "Check!" Sometimes with a colon instead of a comma.

3. Used similarly to answer a question regarding an acquisition or success. Though often this question is hypophoric, replacing the comma in definition 1 with a question mark.

Always in a positive context, related to the achievement of some desired goal.

"Paycheck, get!"
"Pizza, Get!"

"Job: Get! Car: Get! Girlfriend: Get! Life: GET!"

"How was your night with Jennifer?" "Get!"
"Cheeseburger? Get!"

by hushedLecturer June 14, 2013

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