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Chain of Sociobots

Types of Sociobots

Sociobots being created (break them, burnt them down, put them into the mold, yay!) and maintained by other sociobots is a pattern going on for ages.

The most typical/pure "sociobots" usually come from families/houses/societies which put priority on image, presentation, reputation, social views over happiness, actual success, physical AND mental health and living(A family of sociobots, well duh).

These sociobots are never necessarily followers and usually on the top of the food chain. They manipulate other people using fear, judgement, discrimination, bullying and an unstable and note-FAKE sense of security, acceptance, belonging, adoration, etc and their own confidence, to turn them into sociobots too.

These resultant sociobots are usually from ignorant, not present, low attention families or from healthier ones/'families that try to be healthy' but the desire for a different life gets the better of them and they become... sociobots, yup.

You may have noticed three levels- yes, it is a ongoing chain at the end of the day but there are three distinctions

Ruling, Spreading and Conceding/Resorting

R, S and CR

Also see- Sociobot, Ruling Sociobot, Spreading Sociobot, Conceding Sociobot, Resorting Sociobot, Sociobot Patterns

Types of Sociobots, explained-

Look at the world, its like that theory right- Vampires can't exist. A vampire will need to eat one human a week, which will create two vampires at the end of the week(month in that theory). The two will feed on two humans ext week, creating four vampires. SO on, in 33 weeks(231 days) there would be 8589934592 vampires, which is the more than the worlds population. Which means, even considering staking and vampire wars, there would be no humans left.

Therefore, considering sociobots change A LOT every year and maintain them everyday, and the smaller and smaller party that changes back or is working against it, sociobots exists.

Chain of Sociobots

by i dont know my abcs b get away April 4, 2017

Resorting sociobots

Resorting sociobots are the ones who have their individuality but slowly and eventually accept the norm for their own personal benefit or as curiosity/experiment/experiment due to curiosity. They are, as (sorta)sociobots (and especially as not sociobots), feared/scorned by the Spreading sociobots and feared/scorned and shot down by Ruling ones, the more beyond hope sociobots are, the more they will want to push resortings out of society for being themselves.

They know more about life and come from healthy or healthier families or have had close/long term/a significant contact with a person who has told them/ knows how to be human/how to live and they usually have emotions and feeling and etc that are brightly coloured and go beyond the boxes of society. They can make a change and do to the sociobots with more hope and bravery.

They become sociobots for reasons like, acceptance, popularity, curiosity, worry about having a drab life/never changing etc but stay largely unharmed, unaffected, unscarred through the experience and therefore are sometimes admired by most sociobots and followed/supported by concedings. (and on various occasions crushed on by semi hopeful spreading sociobots)

These people are rare and there's a reason for that- too many sociobots

Also see- Sociobot, Chain of Sociobots, Ruling Sociobot, Spreading Sociobot, Conceding Sociobot, Sociobot Patterns

(Mitchie from Camp Rock).

Resorting sociobots-

Sociobot- Ya, that's totally cool right
Resorting- Umm, ya, that's like... sooo cool..

Sociobot- Lol
Resorting- ??... LOL!!!

Resorting- ah, Ya, that's, like SO cool!
Resorting 2- Ah, yeah...! ... *narrows eyes*
(recognise each other)
Resorting- Oh
Resorting 2- Thank God!
R1- Hey!!
R2- Hey! ... Back!
R1&2- ...LOLL. ;D

by i dont know my abcs b get away April 4, 2017

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Spreading Sociobot

Spreading sociobots, (who don't know that there is any other option, anything more to life or anything better and have had very little or close to no connect with genuine emotions, love and care and possibly multiple traumas or events that have made them slow and steeply slide into the mould) who have grown up or primarily been affected by Ruling sociobots and close their opinions in jails and convince themselves that the opinions from the boxes of the Ruling sociobots are right

bit more hope than ruling

(The Tortured rich kid from any odd teenage movie/ real ""assholes" n stuff").

Spreading Sociobots - It's cute that you think you will get away with that.
Also- Ya, that's stupid, you know, REAL stupid.

And- So this person did _that _

Reply - Oh my GAwd sooo stupid

And- Ya, i said that to One More

One More- Hey, but... if you think-

And&Reply: STUPID *walk on*

by i dont know my abcs b get away March 31, 2017

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Shells of human beings who reject their personalities and argue against their opinions out of insecurity, fear and the desire to impress... sociobots and manipulators and people who cause harm. They learn what to think, say and feel from the social media and Internet in general from the opinions and comments by people who bully or discrimination to be cool. Don't have a/reject themselves a life so need to get into others to feel of it, which they do by being nosy, stuck-up or ,you guessed it, discriminating. Try to act as if everything is okay stubbornly even when they are aware it is not, so these are usually people who could be awesome people with strong or creative personalities but they are not, because ... of other sociobots. And they don't go for counselling, cuz, literally this is the reason- other sociobots. Also, they probably haven't experienced a hint of what they discriminate against, and they may even find it very interesting and love it. To them- Go look at yourself in the mirror, really look, and let. Yourself. Heal
Seriously, they need it, sincerely.

Search sociobots for more, pls do.

See also Ruling Sociobots, Spreading Sociobots, Conceding Sociobots and Resorting Sociobots

Sociobot who reads this post- Hey, did you read that comment by a Sociobot on that Twilight post? The comment which was an exact quote from that article about WHY TWILIGHT WILL CAUSE APOCALYPSE AND NOT POLLUTION OR LACK OF HUMANITY OR MISTREATING THE EARTH OR ANYTHING LIKE THAT by another sociobot?

Another Sociobot who probably also read this post, or heard about it- Ya, that was so typical of a sociobot, that person doesn't even have their own opinion.

Socibot- Hey, we aren't sociobots, are we?

Another Sociobot - *Pauses for effect like it saw on a TV show* Nah *shakes it's head exactly like the character in that TV show* (not necessarily one it is a fan of or is excited about and wants to copy)
They walk on ... ya you can finish this sentence

by i dont know my abcs b get away April 4, 2017

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Ruling Sociobot

Ruling sociobots (who have not done well in life by themselves and didn't have/didn't ask for help or the fear was put into them by other sociobots so much so that they GENUINELY and SINCERELY think it's right) fear not being sociobots or fear the consequences of not being sociobots and have some sort of opinions but inside the sociobot boxes.
Their fear may make them do things they would otherwise consider stupid or unnecessary or bad.
Most hopeless type of sociobot, but never beyond changing back

Any odd parent in Indian soaps or nearly any drama , ie, a Ruling Sociobot- That is not right. It's wrong. Don't do it...... OR. You will... . Face the consequences!!. ( cuz i cannot consider it, have control on it,or protect myself or you from it. SO, pls, stay away, or I don't know what I'll do. ... You see, it's an aspect of life i haven't or i have yet to face and... its outside the boxes. I am not the brightest one, iv'e been hurt, and the boxes have helped. Ill give you a gift, take these, Take these boxes. You can do whatever when they are with you. I mean, whatever in those boxes)

Note: DON'T take those boxes. Take this person to a spa, then slowly, eventually counselling/Therapy/anyone who knows the brain and can see reason.empathize. You'll see the change.

Let'em cry, keep paper tissues and a soft cloth for their face nearby

by i dont know my abcs b get away March 31, 2017

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Sociobot Patterns

Sociobots Conclusion

R- Ruling S-Spreading CR- Conceding/Resorting

Usually R- creates ->S- create-> CR stay CR
But S and sometimes CR can also create an S. And CR can sometimes create CR
Nothing creates R except for horrible life experiences and very little or the lack of hope though all other sociobots are reason, though secondary, like in the case of the creating of any sociobot.

We need to stop this now. Being yourself is the starting line of life, the net or whatever of society is stupid. Get help, contact a councillor even if online, read books, or do it your way, work on yourself, scream, shout, let it all out, get better. DO what you need to, slowly you would know what that means

(N don't do what books, movies tv shows tell you helped their character or will help you)

To sociobots- I know you resist change, and a part of you doesn't want to be/thinks it's "difficult" to be yourself. But guess what? THAT is Ruling sociobot opinion pushed into you, it's fake, it's not even you( in most cases). So just change (back) to you.

Also see- Sociobot, Chain of Sociobots, Ruling Sociobot, Spreading Sociobot, Conceding Sociobot, Resorting Sociobot, Sociobot Patterns

Sociobots Conclusion/ Sociobot Patterns

Sociobot- oh this is this, that is that. So, if thats is this, then this is this is this, and if this is that-- o.O (info from BEyond)

Non-Sociobot- this is... not my thing, maybe that... and i think this not because of what others told me, i remember, believe, judged, calculate, but because of something I genuinely think/came to and/or feel, yup, See, soooooo freeing :D yay


N they're probably sociobot, too...

by i dont know my abcs b get away April 4, 2017

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Conceding Sociobots

Conceding sociobots are people who fight or try to not accept it but slowly and tragically go through the "just maybe..." phase- especially because of the discomfort in a world full of sociobots - and conform.

When fighting, they are usually not bothered by R/S sociobots (except for the odd comment by S if they try anything non-sociobotish) as RnS sociobots know they don't have a chance in their society.
They usually come from normalish/ignorant/'trying to make it work' families who don't know much about life either and some from R families, but they know better and stay strong as far as they can
They know what's right but arenҀ™t sure how to do it or make a change cuz no one taught them.

They have very little safe(no attack or pocks by sociobots) space in their minds for their opinions and they usually put their mottos and fighting/stubborn survival posters in it until they change. Then they open it completely to the world of sociobots, for, at first, sociobot box opinion blaring and eventually - a sea of far-out noise or their minds become a channel for sociobot opinions to pass through continuously, like a zombie or just another bead on a thread.
They usually try their best not to be speakers too but some of them crack under the sea of words and concepts in their heads and surroundings. They regret it and try to not let it happen again. But once they start cracking, unless they fight and go for help, they are mostly doomed. But this is VERY unnecessary. Go For Help.

(that character from DARK films, if u don't know it, good, stay that way- u don't need to know every "inside" joke/comment. the part of you that does is possibly sociobotish)

Conceding Sociobots-
Before- This is not okay! You guys are idiots!! ..(nothing happens).. C'mon! ..(silence). I'm outta here *shakes head and leaves*
After- So, we doing this now? Lol, boring. OK, let's get on with it. *face darkens*

The worst and best villains. Beautiful is usually the description with pain in your chest; that kind of beautiful

Other concedings who were changed early may not even realize what they are and the change back may be initiated by a writing/drawing etc from when they were very young(and not sociobots).

reverse change/from child sociobot
Before- Ya, let's go, we aren't looking at that. LOL!

After- That... I... used to look at that... it's

Socibot- Hey, let's go
After- Ya,... but i did look at that, a lot.
Socibot- Really? cool. So, about where we are going-...,lrtyrtyewgonrgioreuhuudgyrkiiyfsna
After- Ya...

very unncessary, pure happiness is-looks- so much better on ANY face. Ya know? c;

by i dont know my abcs b get away March 31, 2017

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