The cool loner kids who choose to be left alone so that they can listen to the blissful sound of slipknot. Many people dislike "Slipknot Whores" As they disagree with their music taste. Though if the prejudice, hatred filled fucks took some time out of their prejudged views? they would realise that the Slipknot Whores will always be better than them.
Gaykid: "Woah look at that slipknot whore, 'yo greeb go listen to some real music'...hahaha"
slipknotwhore: "yo ass hole, try and pull that growth of a head out of your ass."
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Girls: Pose for pictures to put on their myspace account, downloads one Taking Back Sunday song and classes themselves as emo, their MSN names overcrowded with X's and dashes, eg: "xxSlitWristTheoryxx." Put stars all over their clothes and anything they own. Love the colour pink. Own one pair of converse. And maybe a pair of dickies. They ruin all decent music some how.
The Guys: Pink shirts, belts, stars, slightly camp fashion sense. Shop at TopMan oftenly.Own a pair of pink converse, and model their hair based on either Tom Delonge or Dougie from McFly.
My first bad experience of a wannabe emo/trendy...
emobitchkidudething: "Do you think if i was to spray a witch with water she would melt?"
Me: "No, because witches are human..."
emokidbitchthingywhateverijustsaid: "Oh right okay *Sprays me with a water gun*"
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