Pretty good program, considering its made by microsoft. Although its really bad about slowing my computer down (it is an HP, which sucks)
Running, Call of Duty, AIM, Norton Antivirus and listening to my Smashing Pumpkins CD on Windows Media actully slows down....thank you Windows XP
53π 158π
The popular name for the monastic order called the Society of Jesus. The order was founded by Ignatius de Loyola in 1534, and was recognized by the pope in 1540. The mission of the Jesuits was in three areas: teaching, service to the nobility, and missionary work in foreign lands. Their greatest mark was made in education, and the Collegio Romano was their primary seminary.
See above....wait, the example is too short???
120π 42π
Cryptographic algorithm that has been registered by the National Institute of Standards and Technology and has been published as a Federal Information Processing Standard for use in protecting unclassified sensitive information or commercial information. NTIA
The US Government uses the type 3.
3π 2π
1) pompous or pretentious talk or writing
2) when you having nothing else to say, you say "blah"
20π 36π
CB radio slang for an illegal amplifier (usally a modified 10/12 meter ham radio amp.) which brings the 4W AM (12W SSB). output to something like 1000 watts or sometimes higher. As a result, the 26.965 to 27.405 MHz band is littered with stations jamming a single channel and not allowing anyone else to use it (AM does not have the "capture effect" that FM does.) because that person is using a "foot warmer" and it congests the frequency so much that it is unusable, and in turn, more people buy "foot warmers" to combat this interferance from distant stations, and thus the cycle continues.
If everyone who used illegal amplifiers was to stop using thier illegal equipment, range and interferance problems would lessen even for those who abandoned thier illegal equipment.
Dude! Hide your foot warmer, here comes uncle charlie!
Roger that, CRYSTAL PALACE BASE CONTROL has a foot warmer.
8π 6π
Automatic Direction Finder
Automatic Direction Finding System
a navagation system used by aircraft and sea-going ships. It consists of one or more ground stations that transmit a signal in the 225 to 500 kHz (.225 to .500 MHz) range. Because of the low-frequnecy of these signals, their range is very good and not limited by the line-of-sight range of the VOR system. The recevier in the airplane/boat uses a loop antenna to "home-in" on the station. There is also a long-wire receiving antenna installed on many aircraft. Most ADF receivers can also recieve the AM broadcast band (530 to 1710 kHz) so pilots can also home in on powerful broadcast stations.
ADF signals should not be used in thunderstorms because the high amount of electro-magnetic interferance that lightening causes.
Many pilots can't even use the ADF system, which is a shame, becuase of better systems such as VOR and the GPS systems.
"In most of the third world, the ADF navigation system is the only way to go"
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